LocationBaton Rouge
hey my name is Ally I am out going and eager to make you love my company im
a sexy blonde and I'm tons of fun! im located inthe baton rouge area. cant
wait to meet you! if i do not text back when u message me please text me at
4seven🖐➖44⃣4ate my other number only works when i have wifi and since i just
moved i do not have wifi yet.
but once i recieve your text before I will answer any quetion i
will ask you to send me a specific picture. not of
your facce or anything but this pic i require for my safety.
after you send it i dont mind explaining why i need it. but for now i can say
its to keep me out of trouble LOL . i hope to see you soon! very
soon! xoxoxo -Ally
p.s. my pics are real and very resent and are accurate to how i look in peson!
i took them myself on my phone. please dont waiste my time.
so i recently was told about some of the reviews and comments left about me
and i just want to say that some are so not true and are straight lies! so i
took some pics holdin a news paper to prove it. paper was bought on the 15th
but i took the pics on the 17th. the proof is there